Didgeroo may ooze Australian charisma and enthusiasm, but we’re proudly based in London, which is why you can find us at Didgeroo.London.
We like to think of ourselves as your friendly, neighbourhood WordPress Developers.
We’re based in the heart of Shoreditch and have made the conscious decision to work primarily with creative agencies who also call East London their home. Not only do we share a similar vision with these creative agencies, we also love just being able to pop round to theirs for a kick-off meeting, a cup of tea or a chat.
That’s why we eschewed the traditional Top Level Domains, in favour of being Didgeroo.London. You won’t get any .coms or .co.uk’s here. Sure, we’re based in the UK, and we’re a company, so we could have used either of these, but we felt passionate about our constantly booming metropolis and wanted to express that in our very web address.
Samuel Johnson once stated “when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life; for there is in London all that life can afford.”
We’re proud Londoners, and that permeates into everything we do: we attend WordCamp London, for avid WordPress users like ourselves, we drink Meantime beer that comes out of the taps of our WeWork offices, and we are not averse to a scone and cup of tea (though our founder Chris does prefer a Doughnut Time doughnut and a coffee!).
So, are you based in London? Do you want to build a fantastic website together? Why not drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll pop in for a chat.

Photo: Benjamin Davies
Why we’re Didgeroo.London
Didgeroo may ooze Australian charisma and enthusiasm, but we’re proudly based in London, which is why you can find us at Didgeroo.London.
We’re based in the heart of Shoreditch and have made the conscious decision to work primarily with creative agencies who also call East London their home. Not only do we share a similar vision with these creative agencies, we also love just being able to pop round to theirs for a kick-off meeting, a cup of tea or a chat.
That’s why we eschewed the traditional Top Level Domains, in favour of being Didgeroo.London. You won’t get any .coms or .co.uk’s here. Sure, we’re based in the UK, and we’re a company, so we could have used either of these, but we felt passionate about our constantly booming metropolis and wanted to express that in our very web address.
We’re proud Londoners, and that permeates into everything we do: we attend WordCamp London, for avid WordPress users like ourselves, we drink Meantime beer that comes out of the taps of our WeWork offices, and we are not averse to a scone and cup of tea (though our founder Chris does prefer a Doughnut Time doughnut and a coffee!).
So, are you based in London? Do you want to build a fantastic website together? Why not drop us an email at [email protected] and we’ll pop in for a chat.
Photo: Benjamin Davies